Click on the listed FAQs to get the Answers
Kindly click here for all the critical information such as:
- Nationals who do not require visa to enter Zambia
- Nationals requiring visa prior to travel to Zambia
- Nationals requiring visa on arrival in Zambia
Lower end/ Budget Accommodation (Mainly students):
Require Daily Trasport to the conference venue which will be provided at no extra charges to Delegates.
Please Note the Student Accommodation fee is included in their registration fee of $85. The LOC has already pre-booked The Woodland Lodge & Tours for all the students who will be attending the conference. We therefore expect all the students to continue paying their full registration fees to access this facility. You can view the facility on the link below:
We welcome all delegates from around the world to attend this regional conference. Please take time to register as a delegate and fill the logistics form as well.
You can pay on arrival at the conference venue
The weather in Livingston, Zambia, where the conference would be held, would be quite warm with temperatures around 27-28 degrees Celsius during the day, but cooler in the evenings.
Livingstone is in a Malaria area. The best precaution is not to be bitten – wear long trousers and long sleeved shirts in the early morning and evening and wear insect repellent. Please consult your health care professional regarding prophylactics for malaria in advance of travel.